
2 Month Checkup

Yesterday was Ava's 2 month checkup at the doctor. I had been dreading it all day because I knew this was the appointment she would get her first shots. :( She is a completely healthy baby girl, in the 50th-75th percentile in height, weight, and head circumference. She weighed in at 11 lb 14 oz... which is a good weight gain since birth. She's reached her 2 month milestones such as smiling, cooing, and batting her arms when something is held in front of her. Her fussiness/colic seems to be improving, we have some happy days and some fussy days. Doctor says this will only improve from here on out... I have my fingers crossed. Then the dreaded shots... poor baby. That was the hardest thing to see her in pain. They gave her 4 shots, 2 at a time in each leg, so it was over in a matter of seconds, before she could even start crying. But boy did she cry afterwards. She cried for about 10 minutes until she was too exhausted to even keep her eyes open. She had a good night sleep and has been napping most of the day today, so she's doing great. Next doctor appointment isn't for 2 more months. I can't believe how fast time is flying by.


Anonymous said...

Ralphie??? Is that you?? ("I can't get up!")

Lindsey said...

I love checking this site to see Ava! Her disgruntled look at the doctors is hilarious. She is so precious. :)
<3 Lindsey (Graypants)