
Spring is Here!

Finally the weather is getting nicer outside and Ava loves to go for walks. She prefers the Baby Bjorn, but also likes the stroller. We have a big 6 acre park in our neighborhood with walking paths that are perfect for walks with Ava and Luckie. Grandpa Gene has been coming over and walking with us a lot, sometimes we go to Grandpa and Grandma's neighborhood too... Ava is really pretty flexible. She has been talking more and more lately. Her favorite words are "ahh-goo" and "awwooo". We have conversations back and forth a lot, I am pretty sure she thinks I am the funniest person in the world. She also blows bubbles a lot. Sometimes in the car, I will look back at her in the mirror and she will have her entire chin covered in spit bubbles. We started "baby and me yoga" which is once a week and it has been a big hit with Ava. After our first class on thursday, we came home and she took a 4 hour afternoon nap!!! That was the first time I was able to get her to nap in the afternoon! I think we will be doing those baby yoga moves on a daily basis from now on! Here is Ava in her first cubs outfit. Though she has quite a few to choose from, this is the first one that semi fits her. She is sitting in her "bumbo" chair here, which she loves. It is the cutest thing to see her sitting up like a grown person. More pictures to come...
Oh, one more thing... Ava's eyes are blue!!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I love reading your blog!!! Ava is already so big. Hopefully, our little ones can meet sometime.